A gifting Mental Capacity assessment is our Mental Capacity Assessor’s expert opinion formatted in a comprehensive Court standard report documenting whether you understand the significance of the gift that you are planning to make. This report helps prove you knew exactly what you were gifting, to who, and why, at the time the gift was made.
Case Studies
What is a Capacity to Gift Assessment?
Put simply these assessments look at whether you have the understanding, and awareness of any potential consequence in the gifting you are planning to make. A well evidenced Mental Capacity Assessment for gifting will protect you, and those you wish to gift; from the decision later being contested by others in your network who might have an interest in that which has been gifted.

How Does It Work?
The assessment is completed using the common law test for Capacity to Make A Gift, set out in Re Beany (1978). The extent of the understanding required to gift varies with the transaction concerned. For example, the degree of understanding required when an individual gives away his main residence (and principle asset of value) would need to be evidenced as being comprehensive.
For more substantial gifts, a higher degree of understanding would be required, and would be assessed using the Banks verses Goodfellow (1870) test.
Occasionally we are also requested to complete a COP3 for a Gifting Application being made to the Court of Protection in cases where it is presumed that the individual might have lost the mental capacity to make an informed decision relating to the proposed gift. We are very happy to discuss such bespoke requests, which are completed under the Mental Capacity Act (2005). Please do get in touch to discuss any bespoke gifting assessment requirements.
Flexible Appointments
Our Independent Social Workers can provide assessments in a variety of environments including the individual’s home, care home, or in a hospital setting. Assessment appointments usually take no more than an hour to complete and are conducted in an empowering and empathetic manner. Making sure you are comfortable is our priority.
Friendly Advice When You Need it
Looking for a Mental Capacity to assess the proposal to make a Gift can be daunting and difficult to navigate. That’s why we provide free and confidential advice, and offer exceptional care when it comes to assessment. Please do get in touch if you’re a member of the public seeking guidance on capacity assessments, however we do recommend seeking legal advice from independent advisors that specialise in financial law. This way you can be sure that you’re choosing the right assessment for your situation.
We have recently seen an increased amount of referrals to us from Independent Financial Advisors, who are wishing to ensure that their clients wishes are protected, when making decisions on investments or gifting, as part of Later Life independent financial advice.
Are You Making a Gift?
Call us today on 0333 772 9315 or fill out our enquiry form. We’re happy to help.
Read more in our blogs:
Form COP3: Your questions answered
What is a COP3 COP3 is a specialist assessment of capacity form used by the Court of Protection. Used to establish if a person has the mental capacity to make a specific decision. The Court of Protection only makes decisions in the best interests of those who have been assessed as lacking the mental capacity…