What is Assistive Technology
Have you heard of Assistive Technology? An elderly person is found confused, wandering outside of their home. Unfortunately, this is an all too familiar Social Care emergency that historically may have led to a chain of events, resulting in an admission to residential care.
Thornton & Lee understand the importance of advocating for an individual to remain in their own home in line with their wishes, where safe to do so. The obstacles faced by families and friends when trying to adhere to the wishes of a loved one presenting with increased needs, is an emotional and often challenging process. Concerns such as how they will be safe in between their care calls and especially at night-time, are often a cause for concern.
What types of Assistive Technology are available
As technology has advanced, Residential Care really has become an avoidable option for many individuals thanks to Assistive Technology. Assistive Technology is a range of specialist gadgets to increase independence of a disabled or older person. Including for example sensors that detect and alert if a client leaves their property overnight or does not return to bed within reasonable time during sleeping hours, or a sudden movement indicates they may have fallen.
Care Planning and Assistive Technology
Thornton & Lee’s experienced Independent Social Workers have a wealth of knowledge regarding the types of Assistive Technology available. Thornton & Lee’s Care Needs assessment, and the Care Planning process can assist individuals with information and recommendations on how Assistive Technology can be used to increase independence, and to reduce identified risk, offering peace of mind for all.
Where and how to access Assistive Technology equipment
Most Local Authorities have access to Assistive Technology equipment to loan to those with a need. But there are some excellent private providers out there too. Contact Thornton & Lee today to have an informal discussion on how Assistive Technology may support you or your loved one.